Custom Queries

In order to execute more specific database operations custom queries must be used. These can be run through the runQuery(String query) method of the SQLConnection object.

The runQuery method

The runQuery method is the core and most versatile method of the SQLConnection class, and your best friend when accessing operating on a database. Its operation is very simple, but requires knowledge of the SQL language. If you are new to SQL or need to brush-up on the syntax, we personally reccommend you visit's SQL tutorial. It is extremely concise and to the point.

In order to run a query through the runQuery method, just specify the SQL query in a string and give it as a parameter to the function. Any result from the query will be returned as a table after the command runs successfully. If there is any error, an error message will be displayed in the console.

Through this command, the possibilities are endless, but be careful that the syntax is all correct or the commands won't work! For more information on SQuelized's functionality, please review the reference section.