Displaying Records

For the most part, Processing applications are made as a means to visualize and represent data stored in a database in a meaningful and attractive way. This is why SQuelized comes packed with some basic functionality to make accessing stored data easier and faster.

Accessing tables
and the Processing Table object

SQuelized presents database data in the form of tables. All query results are automatically organized into Processing tables. If you are new to Processing, we reccommend you to become familiar with the Table and TableRow classes, as they are essential to be able to manipulate the data once extracted from the database.

A simple way to access all the data stored in a table is through the getTable(String tableName) method your SQLConnection object. This method takes in the name of a table in your database and returns all the records of the table in the form of a Processing table.

Accessing specific columns

SQuelized also allows you to access the data in specific columns of a table. This can be done through the getColumn(String tableName, String columnName) and getColumns(String tableName, String[] columnNames) methods of the SQLConnection object. The results are returned as a Processing table.

Custom queries

To search, filter, update, insert and delete data, custom queries must be used, as discussed in the next section. See you there!